Friday, March 28, 2014


         I recently asked for help and input in answering 5 questions that are part of a training program I am attending. The responses came from many varied points of view – persons in their 70’s some married and some single/widowed; and some in their 40’s married with young children. I have put some words in BOLD in order to identify main points expressed.
To all who responded I give my heartfelt thanks!

All the responses I received follow:


The questions presented:

A.) I think the greatest problem people have today is . . .

B.) What is the thing in your life that gives you the most satisfaction?

C.) What is the most frustrating thing for you?

D.) What would you describe as your purpose or goal in life?

E.) Do you think organized religion or Church is relevant or non-relevant to most people today?


A-not taking responsibility for their actions;

B-friends, family, and pets;

C-watching our culture and way of life disintegrate;

D-do no harm has always been my motto;

E-relevant to some and should be protected for them.

 #1) I am single, 72, and retired.


A. Greatest problem? Greed--seems to be a huge motivation for most things. Also, inhumane treatment of people by other people--injustice, cruelty, judging, condemning. There is a lot of hate--Facebook is a perfect example.
There are many, many good and loving people also, but we sure hear about the others much more often.

B. Me--most satisfaction? This may seem unimportant but knowing that my diseased husband would be proud of me and happy for the way I'm living my life without him.

C. Most frustrating? Observing how some people treat each other--with so much hate and disapproval. Also frustrating is my adult, college-educated daughter not being able to find a full time job so she can get on with her life.

D. Goal or purpose in life? Because people trust me with their troubles, I feel I'm here to help however I can. Sometimes it's a burden, but I'm up to the task. I didn't die with my husband so God has a plan for me. I may never know the full reason but I'm doing the best I can--and I'm not afraid of anything any longer. My GOAL is to write, write, write and eventually be published.

E. Organized religion? I have to admit I'm struggling with organized religion. I'm not entirely happy with the Catholic Church. I do love my parish, however, and I have love and respect for Fr. Kusi. I'm squirming under too many rules. But my conscience is clear. I know more people who do not attend church than who do. Many feel the church leaders are hypocrites. I could go on and on about this. So from my perspective, organized religion is not relevant to a majority of people. However, faith is still important to many.

I am 67, a widow, female and retired, sort of.



A. When people choose to identify with an idea they often also choose to put themselves at odds with other ideas i.e. I'm a republican and liberals are bad or I'm an agnostic and Christians are bad, etc... You can choose to identify with any idea or culture you wish and it doesn't have to mean that others that don't think like you are wrong.

B. I gain the most satisfaction in life from relationships with others, be it my wife, my son, family or friends.

C. The most frustrating thing for me is that we as a species seem incredibly shortsighted and intent on reaping benefits for a few at a huge cost to many. We know that this is unsustainable and yet continue down this path.

D. My purpose in life is to be best person that I can be and by association hope that my family, friends and colleagues can benefit from interaction with me.

E. Organized church or religion is still relevant to most people today but has much less of an impact on people's lives than it has in the past. The core messages of the world's monotheistic religions often seem to be hijacked by extremists or politicians who misinterpret and misinform others to achieve their own ends.

Everybody has had one and one is enough for anybody. -Willy Wonka

Male age 40 in a week, married.


A.) I think the greatest problem people have today is . . .

A lack of mindfulness. Our culture defines success as accumulation of more fame and fortune than your neighbor. This causes us to see our neighbor as our competitor rather than as a person with the same basic needs as ourselves. We are consumed by trying to achieve more fame and wealth which means we don’t remain centered in the present moment, but rather agonize over what happened in the past and worry about how to do better in the future. Simple mindfulness would allow us to center ourselves in the moment and allows us to develop compassion for all the beings around us.

B.) What is the thing in your life that gives you the most satisfaction?

Mindfulness again! The moments when I remember to be mindful during happy times make the experiences much brighter and full of joy. During the hard and stressful times when I remember to mindful the stress melts away and I can clearly proceed.

C.) What is the most frustrating thing for you?

Reacting without thinking. I am still very prone to defensive reactions before proper analysis of the situation. When I do this it always makes a tough situation worse.

D.) What would you describe as your purpose or goal in life?


E.) Do you think organized religion or Church is relevant or non-relevant to most people today?

I think it is extremely relevant to all people. Regardless of whether or not he/she subscribes to an organized religion, the political impact it has on the entire globe is undeniable.

Male, married, one child age 40



Thank you for this opportunity to respond. I do not object to you publishing my response.

A ] I believe that the greatest problem with the generations today is that along came little or no discipline growing up , and moral decay by way of free sex in every walk of life ,rich ,and to the very poorest . Again parents say and do nothing to prevent this. One would not think that going to college would change ones belief pattern ,but I have seen it over and over again, change from what they were taught during their fundamental growing up years, that are needed all of their lives ,college was intended to add to ones knowledge ,not remove your foundation.

B ] I gain my main satisfaction in life when I see my adult family doing well , placing God first and using what they were taught in our home ,and that this is the reason they are doing so well in their own lives , then I don't feel like it has been in vain , I guess that makes it about me somewhat ,but God did ask me to sacrifice and I was obedient to Him.

C ] The most frustrating thing is, seeing somewhat of our future [ of our adult off springs or spouses ] seeing they are headed for troubled water and I cannot do anything to stop them , the more you say or do ,the more they do it and the worse it gets......I can pray and I do  [unknown if it only helps me.]

I think all people no matter the religion [I have seen in my occupation] that when the chips are down,boy o boy , people want God and organized religion[that is what some call it ] but shouldn't our Lord be surrounded with stability and sweetness , when we all come in from this total chaotic world?.....The natural heart of humankind who love the Lord, is for us to bring sweetness and beauty where ever the "House of God and His Word is set up "..It is truly, deep in their hearts, what they long for. Some individuals do not realize that, or take time to analyze it . The reason they turn away , I've even told one so called fallen away Catholic , that the only reason for any Christian to fall away .. is that they want to sin....this .is in my view , they can't look God in His face and sin at the same time ,so they turn away.

D ] our goal in life ,my purpose/goal in life is to set a good example to - first of all my children, by my attitude and my behavior about my love and devotion for God and secondly to pray for those less fortunate and give praise to our Lord all the days of my life.......Betty

D ] My purpose in life is- To love my wife and children all my days

 Married couple age approx 73



 A.) I think the greatest problem people have today is . . .

Focusing on themselves. It’s all about “ME” and wanting what I want and “if it feels good do it” attitude without caring about consequences.

B.) What is the thing in your life that gives you the most satisfaction?

Being with my family/wife.

C.) What is the most frustrating thing for you?

Wondering where common sense in American/World has gone.

D.) What would you describe as your purpose or goal in life?

To serve one another as God calls us to do.

E.) Do you think organized religion or Church is relevant or non-relevant to most people today?

I think it’s non-relevant. In general people cannot believe in something that is intangible if they cannot use their five senses; see, feel, hear, touch or taste it does not exist. On the other hand, because we have been given the gift of free will, people choose to disregard what organized religion or Church teaches us for their own satisfaction.

Life Status: Married, unemployed, three adult children (a married child living at home and one living on college campus during week and home on weekends).



A. The greatest problem today I think is that people are scared. Scared of so many things and this make their decision making poor.

B. The one thing in my life that gives me the most satisfaction is knowing that I am capable of anything. I don’t NEED anyone or anything, I get to choose who I am with and what I do with them and these choices are not driven by NEED.

C. The most frustrating thing for me is our current government and the actions they take. The values they base their decisions on are not in line with mine.

D. Our purpose and goal should be to live happily without hurting others in the process; this would include caring for our environment as if it were our own child.

E. Organized religion is not relevant in my life because I have not found a group that would answer these questions the same way I have.

 39 yr old female, married, 2 children



 Hi Tom. Here is the answers I have for you.

A the biggest problem is lack of respect.

B My children, my fiancé and my job give me the most satisfaction.

C. The most frustrating is trying to make ends meet. There is never enough money to go around And I wanted to add that sometimes I am frustrated with not giving enough time to my kids, fiancé and friends/church. It's hard to split yourself in so many ways.

D. My goal is to be happy, A good Christian, a good mom and spouse and to have respectful, functional children with something to offer.

E, It is relevant to me but most people do not think so. Maybe that is one of the problems in the world today. God needs to be in the forefront not the back burner.



I thI think that our culture is changing very quickly. We have gone from a society that needed structure - and we found it through organizations - like the church, school and civic organizations.
Now, our structure is on the electronic landscape of the WWW - in the form of Facebook (FB) or Twitter or Vine. I think that the gulf between the "older" and the "younger" persons is greater because older (ME) likes to plan, like to have people around, and interact with people face to face. My students like to coordinate ("Hey, I need a ride, please come get me?" -- as opposed to "I get out of class at 2:30, can you pick me up?") and really don't know how to plan. They also have a very different way of their own support system. In many ways, families are closer - they talk to their mom's and dad's every day. In fact, they don't know how to make a move without asking for parental permission. We, as a society, have done this to our kids. (See the

We are seeing these students as college students. This gulf between people who are very resourceful, know how to speak with people and plan --- are very different than students who are able to find things, but not sure how to apply them, coordinate, and only know how to text and email people.
B. I like making people stretch beyond what they think they are capable of. I also really like to make them uncomfortable - to make them think. Personally, my favorite thing is to travel.
C. Not having enough money to do what it is I want to do.
D. I am not sure I have one [purpose] - besides like visiting all of the States and 50 countries. If someone could help me out with that purpose thing, I would appreciate it. :)
D. Ok, it's probably to help people grow.

I think that organizations in general are going to have a difficult time in the next 50 years. The reason isn't because their purpose isn't important, but because who we are has changed. How we receive information has changed, how we meet people and how we are most comfortable with interaction is changing. People don't want to commit to meetings, groups, or ongoing events -- but, they will commit to a couple of hours to volunteer. These hours of volunteerism can't be the same every month. Churches, especially ones like the Catholic Church, Jewish Temples, the Muslim Mosques, Hindu Temples and Buddhist Temples, are going to have to undergo a lot of change. The Buddhists might survive the best, as yoga is being incorporated into an exercise schedule. However, I see these as organizations are all going to have to change - to what? I have no idea. Are the principles important to daily life - absolutely. Do we have to go to Church or Temple to get them - I do, but I don't know if others do. What does Church look like -- is it online? Or is it still a building? Not sure...

Please feel free to comment either on this Blog or email your thoughts to:
Thank You for taking the time to read through these responses.

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