Saturday, April 20, 2013

In memory of Officer Sean Collier,*
MIT Police Department,
and all fallen Law Enforcement Officers,
and all who protect us. 

A Prayer for Police Officers,
Firefighters, and First Responders

"Greater love has no one than this,
then they who willingly lay down their life
for their friends and strangers."
John 15:13

Almighty God,
Whose great power 
and eternal wisdom 
embraces the universe,
Watch over all 
police, law enforcement officers, 
firefighters, and first responders

Protect them from harm 
in the performance of their duty
To stop crime and save us 
from fires and natural disasters.
We pray, help them 
keep our streets and homes safe,
day and night. 

We commend them to your loving 
care because their duty is 

Grant to them
strenght and courage
in their daily assignments.
Dear God, 
protect these brave
men and women.
Grant them 
your almighty protection,
Unite them safely 
with their families 
after duty has ended.


 * Officer Sean Collier was a avid supporter of the JIMMY FUND by having regular deductions taken from his pay checks.  The JIMMY FUND solely supports Boston's Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, raising funds for adult and children cancer care and research to improve the chances of survival for cancer patients around the world.

If you would like to make a donation to the JIMMY FUND as a way to honor the memory of Sean’s work and sacrifice you can do so by either telephone: (800) 52-JIMMY -  (54669) or on the internet:


You don't ever want to think about the wall,

the wall that stands between you and chaos.

But, was it not for the men and women who stand on that wall,

life as you know it would be lost.


There is a wave of violence and fear

sweeping across our great land.

There has to be someone to stop this threat

and at times, with a firm hand.


You never know how it feels

to have to put all your fear aside, for after all

I am a Police Officer

and I protect that Wall.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, 
for they will be called the children of God."
Matthew 5:9 

* In appreciation and thanks to Sgt. C. Smith, Code 3, for his prayer the Wall.

Let us pray:

  Be at peace, Officer Collier and all law enforcement officers and firefighters who have died in the line of duty; be at rest, for within you is the Lord, he has given to you his saving power. 

            May your souls now rise and shine forth, for your light has come, may the glory of the Lord now be upon you.  May His splendor be revealed to you, and may your souls be filled with wonder and thanksgiving.

             No more shall the sun be your light by day, nor will the moon’s beam enlighten you by night; for now the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God shall be your glory.
            No more for you the setting of suns, no more the waning of moons; the days of your anxiety and suffering have ended, For now may the Lord is your everlasting light.

             Be at peace, most honorable Officers and Firefighters, and be at rest, for within each of you is the Lord, he has given to you his saving power.  Amen.



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