Friday, December 14, 2012


Yet another day we all cried!

The "news" today has certainly been awful!  

It is hard to put all this violence into any perspective. We all naturally ask, "Where was God in all this?" No answer there - maybe it is wrong question. I can't even imagine the pain for the families that have lost their children and loved ones - and of course all this only 10 days before Christmas.

 I believe it is time for this country to get serious about gun control - what more proof is needed in order to demand some reasonable and sensible action! I know, I’ve heard it before: “When guns are outlawed – only the criminals (and mentally ill) will have guns.”  We have a Michigan legislator who wants to pass a Bill that makes it lawful to carry a gun in all public places – churches, malls, libraries, etc.  Oh I’m sure that will be helpful and add to our peace of mind! 

 There has to be a better answer! 

So, back to the first question: “Where was God In all this?” 

Where ever there is a lack of God’s presence there is evil.  Just like when there is a lack of light there is darkness.  So, the question should be . . .  

“How do I fill the darkness in my life because of this tragedy
with the light of God presence?”

“Whoever believes in me, even if they die, will live.”  (John 11:25b)
“Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the Light of Life.”  (John 8:12b)
 “I AM in the Father, and you are in me and I in you.”  (John 14:20)

Let us all pray - not only today, but every day -  for all whom have died, and for all who have been affected by this tragedy, that the light of God’s providence will fill their hearts with comfort, and strengthen them in this trial and time of great need for peace.

A prayer by Thomas Merton . . .

Lord, I will trust in You always
though I may seem lost and in the shadow of death.
I will not fear,
for You are always with me,
and You will never leave me
to face my perils alone. 

O Mary, Immaculate Queen, look down upon this distressed and suffering world. You know our misery and our weaknesses. You who are our Mother, save us in our hour of peril, have compassion on us in these days of great and heavy trial.  We need a Mother and a Mother’s heart. You are for us the luminous dawn which dissipates the darkness and points out the way to life. In your compassion obtain for us the courage and the confidence of which we have such great need. Amen.
 Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles;  they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31
“In prayer you do not depend on your own strength, but only in our trust in God.”
Henri J.M.Nouwen





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