Go and Tell Every One!
Here are 3 important questions we should ask ourselves . . .
What do I believe?
Why do I believe it?
What difference does it make?
Today’s readings [Acts 1:1-11; Eph 1:17-23; Mk 16:15-20] asks of all of us to have a strong and active faith.
Today, on this Feast of the Ascension, we recall a very fragile time in the birth of our church. Lacking the physical presence of Jesus, the disciples had to search within themselves to find faith and courage to carry on the mission of Jesus.
"Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.”
We too have been called to be “willing” witnesses to the Gospel, but, like the Men of Galilee in the first reading of the Acts of the Apostles, we can at times be found just standing motionless looking upward when, we are in fact, called to move forward.
First and foremost, we begin by praying. Prayer is fundamental for the strength and courage necessary to proclaim Jesus’ message and live Jesus’ mission.
“He proclaims more effectively who prays without speaking,
then he who speaks without praying.”
Our efforts to proclaim the Gospel can often be exposed to many dangers, specifically, and not the least of which, is the danger of inactivity or just plain laziness; the desire to do nothing, leaving everything up for someone else to do.
Mother Teresa would make the Sisters pray for two full hours before they could go out into slums of Calcutta to minister and care for those who were lying in the streets dying. When asked why she insisted that the nuns spend so much time praying when they could be out in the streets doing good – Mother Teresa replied, “If they didn’t do that praying before going out, they probably wouldn’t go out at all!”
Secondly, we must call on and depend upon the Holy Spirit in our life. Without the Holy Spirit, we, like the “Men of Galilee,” might still be caught looking intently into the sky — frozen in the past rather than living in the present.
In the first reading Jesus tells the apostles, “you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit" and with that grace of the Holy Spirit, “they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the Word through accompanying signs.”
Through the grace of Confirmation we too gain a special strength to spread the faith by our daily words and in our daily actions. Through the continuing grace of Confirmation, and our living out its purpose, the Holy Spirit enters into our life. The grace of Confirmation deepens our relationship with God the Father, it unites us more firmly to Jesus Christ, and increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit within us.
These “gifts” of the Holy Spirit, they are:
v Wisdom,
v Understanding,
v Wonder and awe,
v Right judgment,
v Knowledge,
v Courage, and
v Reverence.
On this Feast of the Ascension, when the disciples came to the realization that the Lord’s spirit was indeed within them, they willingly carried on the mission of Jesus.
Let us take a moment to remember the day we were “baptized with the Holy Spirit,” that we might renew the hope and re-light the fire of the faith we had on that special day, re-energizing our present day faith.
At the end of today’s Mass I will announce: “Go forth and proclaim the Gospel of the Lord.”
This proclamation reminds us that the Mass does not end there. Strengthened by the Body of Christ, sanctified by the Blood of Christ, and enlightened by the Word of God, we are sent to take that “Word” and change our world – beginning, most importantly, with changing ourselves!
Let it not be said of any one of us that we neglected to carry out Jesus’ last command that we failed to share the greatest gift in the world!
Spirit of God, rest upon us, consecrate us, and bid us to go forth to proclaim Your peace and Your joy.
Send us forth to WITNESS the kingdom of Jesus among all we meet today,
to PROCLAIM the good news of Jesus to those who hunger for God’s Word,
to CONSOLE the hearts that are overcome with sorrow,
to COMFORT the poor who mourn and who weep,
to ANNOUNCE the grace of salvation, and to
REVEAL Jesus’ glory among all the people we encounter each day. Amen.